A Time for Magic Page 25
“I don’t feel anything and I certainly don’t see anything. What were you thinking of?” Xave smirked, “Wouldn’t it defeat the purpose if I tell you?” Cora rolled her eyes. After a few moments, Xave took her hands and placed it over his chest. “Try here,” he lowered his voice, “you think it’s triggered by emotions, right?” She smiled, “The heart. Of course.” She felt the calming rhythm of his heart beating beneath his shirt. Cora closed her eyes this time and concentrated on slowing the world around them. The fewer distractions the better, she figured. After time passed--she wasn’t sure how long, since she was technically manipulating it--an image began to form in her mind.
It was hazy at first, but became clear the more she reached for it with her mind. She saw her first interaction with Xave in the library from his perspective. She saw him run straight into the ladder she was using to reach for a book. She watched him slow time and catch her falling from the ladder. She saw how he paused, looking at down her face before he repositioned her atop the ladder and brushed her hair back behind her ears softly. She saw, or rather felt how his breath hitched ever so slightly when he looked closer at her.
The image shifted to glimpses of Cora reading under a faint light into the dark hours of the night while Xave worked. She ran through a reel of their interactions, their work together, and the beginning of their training. She saw the back of her head in a crowd, or heard her laugh with Soph from a nearby aisle in the library. She felt the fear Xave experienced when Argyn appeared in the library. She felt how he was drawn to her, and how he kissed her the first time with such sadness and need she felt her own heart break a little. She experienced all of the emotions he felt in the memories of her: annoyance, pride, worry, and love...always an overwhelming feeling of love. She finally sensed the relief he felt when he and Malen arrived from Hulsgard and he saw Cora. Even though they weren’t her memories, it was as if her own heart was threatening to burst.
Cora stepped back and the images faded almost instantly. “It worked,” Xave exclaimed as he watched her face, “what did you see?” His curiosity was piqued. “It was me, our history, and it was...” Cora trailed off. Xave smiled, “I don’t think you need to worry about that gift manifesting.” “What do you mean?” “I wasn’t thinking about you--” “Oh, no, I just meant...” Cora turned red. Xave set his hands atop Cora’s shoulders and smiled. “What I meant was, I was specifically thinking about something else so we could determine how far you were able to read into my mind. I keep my emotions well-guarded, but you found them on your first try.”
“Your emotions?” Cora furrowed her eyebrows. Then she began to blush again. She knew they were his emotions, because she’d felt them. She hadn’t just watched his memories; it was as if she lived them. “It wasn’t just that I could see things, it was also feelings. I think I could feel your emotions in your memories, too.” Xave nodded with interest. “What did you feel then?” Cora stayed silent and he raised an eyebrow at her. “It was a lot of things really,” she answered quickly. Xave didn’t press her, and instead filled her in on the limits of Thought Seekers’ abilities.
“It’s possible to erase memories and implant false memories into others, according to the research we’re aware of. Some of the worst cases would go so far as to control someone by forcing thoughts into their minds. I’ve also heard rumor it’s possible to visit someone in their dreams if Thought Seekers are asleep at the same time and possess enough magic. Since law prevents them from using so much of their gift, no one is really quite sure the extent of Thought Seekers’ magic.” Cora marveled at the power she possessed. If she could perform even a fraction of each of her gifts, she would be the most powerful member of the magical class in the empire. If he didn’t already, Nikol would also soon know her worth. That thought chilled her to her core.
“Company should be arriving shortly!” Malen’s voice interrupted Cora’s thoughts. “Martin and your two friends are on their way,” she explained, “they’ve made some interesting discoveries that may help us.” Cora sighed. It was torturous to wait on danger she couldn’t predict, though in her bones, she knew something was brewing. She hoped seeing her friends again would help calm her nerves.
Juniper Sniels shrieked when she walked into her office and saw the man seated at her desk. “I…there isn’t any more information for the time being,” she steadied her breathing as she spoke. “That’s not why I’m here." Argyn stepped forward and crossed the room to close her office door, “he’s coming. Tonight.” “I don’t understand?” “Nikol is coming here. He’s lost control and wants to act. Some new recruit gave him the idea that he needs to draw the girl out. I came to warn you.” Argyn traced the outline of Juniper’s face with a warm finger. She placed her hand atop his and looked up with frantic eyes. For a moment she remembered how she was once so taken with the cruel man that stood in front of her.
“What are you saying?” she asked, though she already knew the answer. “You need to leave now. It’s too late for everyone else. He’s already on his way. I’m sorry, I tried to talk him out of it, but like I said, he’d completely lost control.” With that, the grisly man left and Juniper’s blood ran cold. Perhaps this would be her reckoning, then. She forced herself to act. She would try to salvage what she could. “We need to evacuate,” she yelled at her secretary as she hurried out of her office. “Nikol Delmarno is coming. I’m going to warn the other headmasters.” She kicked off her heels and ran down the hallway.
A knock at the door made Cora jump. Before she could rush to the common space, she heard Soph’s laughter and instantly she felt relieved. Cora turned the corner and nearly collided with her friend. “Cora!” Soph exclaimed and threw her arms around her friend. “You can’t imagine how boring it’s been without you,” Soph stepped back and grinned at her. “Oddly enough, I almost miss Starbury,” Cora laughed. Willem appeared behind the two friends, and Cora rushed to hug him as well. “I’m so glad you’re still safe,” she sighed. “I suppose it was your turn to be the one who planned an adventure,” Willem smiled, “but if this was your attempt at getting back at me for forcing you to swim, I think you went a little far.”
Cora elbowed Willem and the three friends sat down at the table. “So,” Xave walked over to join them, “what have you and Martin been able to uncover? Speaking of, where is Martin?” “He was detained for some emergency administrative meeting.” Soph explained, “He said he’d come straight here after.” Cora and Xave exchanged glances. “Okay, what should we know?” Cora was eager to begin formulating a plan. Willem unrolled a piece of parchment on the paper which included a map of Telgria and its surrounding areas, and a long list of names.
“This,” Willem pointed to the Wendian mountains, “is where Nikol’s caves are located. Martin was able to send someone to investigate, but they’re deserted.” “Not surprising,” Xave commented. “That’s not all,” Soph’s voice bounced off the empty space in the room. She was able to make even the direst of situations sound appealing. “Headmaster Keenly, Willem, and I spent a long time pouring through old records and information from Martin’s friends. We’re pretty certain Nikol is working with these individuals.” She pointed to a list of names in the corner of the parchment. It was a shorter list than Cora had expected, which was hopeful.
The information Soph, Willem, and Martin uncovered was a huge help. By identifying individuals working with Nikol, they could track their movement and hopefully get to Nikol when they were ready. “It looks like he’s still employing a lot of Light Wielders,” Xave mused. Cora felt the scars on her arms and shuddered. “They’re probably the most dangerous,” Willenm added. “Except for Cora." Soph glanced at Cora who scoffed. She forgot for a moment that Soph and Willem didn’t know the full extent of her powers. “I mean you and Xave can get away from anything,” Soph continued. “True, but what’s the use of getting away if you can’t ever stop running?” Cora lamented. The four sat in silent contemplation w
hen Dari interrupted them. “Are you going to sit there like a bunch of lifeless lumps, or are you going to help me with dinner?” Cora smiled at the old woman who winked at her as she walked into the kitchen.
Malen entered and began to set the table for dinner. At that very moment, Martin Keenly arrived in the room. His face was flushed and he was gasping for breath. Dari ran to her old friend’s side, “What is it?” “Nikol…School of Knowledge…now…” “What?” Cora almost screeched. “It’s Nikol,” Martin took a sip of water as Malen handed him a cup, “I received a message from Juniper Sniels. He’s coming to the School of Knowledge now. He may already be there.” Xave and Cora looked at each other. Cora instantly wished she had more time to practice using and controlling her gifts. “What do we do? This is obviously a trap.” Xave stared at Cora, secretly hoping he could come up with a way to keep her safe, “We don’t have a choice. You've been practicing long enough to use your gifts, so we have that.”
“Plus, she won’t be alone,” Soph and Willem stood on either side of Cora. “No, you two can’t—” Cora started. “Oh, can’t we?” her friend challenged. “You’re the one who keeps saying you need all the help you can get,” Willem crossed his arms. “He’s right,” Dari spoke up, “we don’t know if Juniper got the students out. We have no idea what we’re walking into.” Cora sighed. If she could be strong, she could save everyone. She just hoped her friends stayed safe long enough for her to figure out just how exactly to execute her poorly formed plan.
They began to get ready to leave. Cora rushed to her room. She needed a moment to gather her thoughts. As she suspected, Xave was right behind her. "Cora," he looked at her with concern, "are you okay?" Cora wrapped her arms around herself and admitted, "I'm terrified. This is all happening too fast. He's counting on that. He knows I'm not strong enough, and now with all of you there I'm more vulnerable." Xave crossed the room to her side and held her at arm's length. "Cora," he stared into her eyes with such conviction it pulled her out of her head for a moment, "you are capable of anything. You're the girl who was faced with an impossible decision and jumped in head first. You're the girl who protects the people she cares for, even if it means putting herself in danger. You're the girl who is so smart she can solve any puzzle. On top of that, you have so much magic it's unbelievable. You think he's luring you into a trap? You're right. But what he doesn't know is that you're not match for him. Whatever we have to do, you'll find a way." He bend down and kissed her forehead.
Cora felt warmth spread through her. Xave was right. She was so much more than she used to be. She'd been toying with an idea the past few days. She didn't have any time to test her theory, but if she was right, there was a sliver of a chance she could save them. Either way, she knew she had to try.
The three Time Benders brought Willem, Soph, and Malen to the School of Knowledge. Martin needed to return to Starbury, as the school would likely put security measures in place. All six stood in shock as they watched the carnage in front of them. Everything was happening too fast. The building stood partially in flames. The pristine marble steps that once lead to white columns were half imploded. “Let’s go. You three stay here until we know it’s safe,” Xave looked at Soph, Willem, and Malen, and then began to slow time with Cora and Dari joining him. They all knew they were willingly walking into a trap, but marched on.
It was not hard to find the source of the destruction. Nikol and his followers stood inside the auditorium. A whirlwind of emotion hit Cora at once. It was almost ironic that he’d choose this place to draw her out. It’s where everything started for her. Cora watched in astonishment as Wind Wielders kept Nikol and his hunters safe from the flames as they fanned them outward. Nikol didn’t look quite as foreboding as Cora imagined. In pictures, a younger Nikol slightly resembled Malen, but this older man bore little resemblance to his kind daughter. His grey eyes were void of any emotion, and his face was lined with more wrinkles than she expected. He dressed like any ordinary man in pants and a jacket. Were it not for his eyes, she couldn’t have picked him out of a crowd.
What set him apart was the power. She could almost see it coursing through his veins. Sparks of light froze at the end of his fingertips, and his hands glowed white hot. “Be careful not to let them touch you,” Xave motioned toward the Light Wielders. “Don’t forget any one of them can be a Thought Seeker, too,” Dari added. Cora shuddered as the man from the cave came into view. It made her blood boil. “What do we do? We can’t slow time forever, and I need to get to Nikol.” She looked desperately at Xave and Dari. “We have to try to confuse them. Evade them and move them out as quickly as you can, but make sure at least two of us are here at all times holding time still,” Dari looked much stronger than her appearance let on. They slowly made their moves.
Cora found it surprisingly easy to get rid of some of Nikol’s people who were stationed near the door. She released her control on time as she shifted to move each person out of the building. She dropped them outside where Telgrian police had begun to show up, and then she returned to slow time again. She was hindered once or twice at the chaos in the building around her. Students, staff, and teachers fled in all directions. Cora didn’t want to think about anyone trapped under the rubble. After leaving a particularly nasty Wind Wielder in the arms of one policeman, she paused before returning. She felt a shift and realized time had returned to a normal pace. When she arrived back in the auditorium all hell broke loose.
Malen, Soph, and Willem were standing in the center of the room, each in front of one of Nikol’s Hunters. She saw the source of the problem. Nikol had two Time Benders who were able to move even when time was slowed. They hadn’t been in the auditorium before. It explained why Xave and Dari were no longer concerned with slowing time. “You must be Cora,” a guileful voice rose over the silence. “What an astute observation.” Cora scanned the room for Xave and Dari, both of whom were focusing on keeping everyone in place, their eyes locked on the center of the room and the source of the voice.
Cora’s heart began to race. “You see Cora, all I ask of you is something simple, really,” Nikol walked out amongst the debris and stood almost in front of Malen. If he recognized her at all he didn’t let on. “And what’s that?” Cora continued scanning the room. She couldn’t let her guard down for even a second. “Help me. Join me. Combine powers with me and see what you’re truly capable of.” “And if I decline?” “Oh,” Nikol nodded toward the three standing in front of Malen, Soph, and Willem, “I don’t see that happening. I’m awfully tired of trying to find you, and I don’t have the reputation as someone who compromises.”
In an instant, his hunters moved. The one in front of Malen placed a hand to her forehead and Malen’s eyes opened wide; she was frozen. Soph screamed as a bolt of white heat slashed her shins, causing her to collapse. Willem was held dangling in the air by the Wind Wielder who toyed with him, swinging him about. Xave and Dari moved to react, but Nikol’s two Time Benders arrived in front of them in seconds. “The longer you take to say yes, the more pain I inflict upon them.” Nikol snapped his fingers. Malen remained frozen, but Soph and Willem cried out. The Light Wielder zapped Soph again and again, while the Wind Wielder flung Willem into a pile of wreckage.
Cora was drowning in rage. Her plan was falling apart. He had expected her to show up, and he knew exactly who to target. He had been toying with them when they took out some of his people; they never stood a chance. She screamed and pleaded with her magic to help her, reaching as far inward as she could. She instantly froze the space around her. She continued, grasping for control of the time, wind, and light. A rush of magic hit her all at once. The fire in the Light Wielder’s fingertips went out, and Cora pushed any wind from the room in an instant. Feeling the heat from each flame, she extinguished the fire around them as she pulled it to herself. She felt her entire body strain as she controlled every element in her environment. Her head threatened to burst at the pressure she felt. She prayed s
he could continue to control all of the magic in the room, as she suspended what she could for brief moments of time. Just as Dari suspected, when she needed her magic it was accessible.
“Go,” Cora yelled at Xave through her teeth, grimacing as she struggled to hold every threat at bay. She watched as Nikol’s Time Benders waited to react. They weren’t expecting her to have control on anyone’s magic. One fled instantly. “Cora, stop, it’s too much!” Xave appeared at her side and Cora noticed their hold on the room grew weaker as Nikol’s remaining Time Bender began to act. “Get Malen and the others and go, now,” she motioned toward the door, “I’ll meet you at the tree.” Xave didn’t move an inch. “I know how to stop this,” she pleaded. Xave looked stricken, “Cora, he’ll never let you go.” Cora shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. I can’t lose any of you. It has to be me, please, just go now.” Xave stood his ground, “You can’t sacrifice yourself for us.” “And I can’t bear to lose any of you. I…I love all of you too much.” She felt tears forming in her eyes and blinked them away.
“Every scenario comes out the same. It has to be me. Please go. I’ll come back to you.” “But what if—” “Xave,” Cora kept her emotions at bay and asked him the same question he once asked of her, “do you trust me?” Xave fought the voice in his head that screamed at him to stay by her side. He knew she was right; her power far exceeded his own. He turned to look at her one last time, her brown eyes fierce and unwavering. “Promise me something?” “Anything,” Cora felt slight relief at the fewer amount of people in the space to control. Dari had already begun to act. “Let’s not make a habit of me leaving while you do something dangerous?” Cora saw the raw emotion and Xave’s face and looked away for fear she didn’t have the strength to do what she was about to do.