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A Time for Magic Page 19
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Page 19
Thought Seekers were specifically useful and feared; they helped cover up the majority of the small crimes by erasing someone’s memory or threatening them into silence. Wind Wielders and Light Wielders, of course, brought the brute strength Nikol needed. He hunted down anyone with magical gifts who could get him closer to finding a Time Bender powerful enough to either bring Malen’s mother back, or give Nikol enough of their magical blood that he could possess their gift. After Eldri Arafo scared him into hiding, everyone thought it was over. Little did they know, he spent every moment of the last two decades plotting and planning for a successful return. It shook Cora to her core to know the worst was probably yet to come.
“We need to talk,” Soph said to Willem when he awoke, which jarred him to attention. “How long was I out?” He still sounded a bit groggy. Soph shrugged, “Who can say? I don’t even know how long we’ve been in here and it’s starting to drive me mad.” She had dark circles under her eyes, evidence of her inability to sleep. Again, Willem attempted to comfort her. “Cora will help us. She’s smart. She’ll send someone to find us.” “I don’t intend to be here long enough for that to happen. We both know if they return and split us up it’s the beginning of the end.” Willem didn’t want to admit she was right. “What options do we have?” “Well,” the light in Soph’s eyes started to flicker ever so slightly, “remember how I told you I have six brothers and sisters? I’ve spent a fair amount of time picking locks to get into their rooms. I think I can pick the locks on our wrists if you help me.”
She took two pins out of her hair, her tight curls leaping free as soon as she removed them. “They’re too thick to fit in the hole, but if we can shave them down a little then I can start to get to work. I’ll need four ends,” she broke each hair pin in two and handed a set to Willem. “Even if we can get out of here, what next?” “I’ve been listening to everything since we arrived. Either we are the only people in this hallway, or this place isn’t heavily travelled. I don’t think everyone is staying here. It’s possible only a few people are guarding us.” “And if you’re wrong?” Soph offered a nervous smile to Willem, and said, “We’re just going to have to hope for the best. What do you say Willem?” He met her eyes and nodded his head, “Any plan is better than no plan.” They began slowly shaving away the sides of her hair pins, willing the universe to give them enough time.
Xave woke up early. The sound of his mother’s customers interrupted any hope he had at more sleep. He forgot how busy her bakery was every morning. When he was a child, mornings didn’t feel so early. Stretching, he made his way downstairs and was surprised to see Cora behind the counter with his mother. Her hair was pulled back in a pony tail and she wore Malen’s extra apron. She had smudges of flour on her cheek and her apron was positively covered in crumbs, flour, and anything else that touched her hands as she tried to keep up with the orders. Not surprising, she moved with ease around Malen, and he could tell she was only cheating a little when she used her gift to speed things up or slow things down when the line got too long. He tried to ignore the voice in his head that told him it was nice seeing her here, of all places, as if they’d always been waiting for her.
Sneaking out the back, he made his way down the street to the post office. He knew his mother was always forgetting to collect her mail, but it was the only thing he could think to do for her. As he suspected, her pile of mail was daunting. It was often filled with thank you’s from customers who hired her to cater events. He started thumbing through it when one letter caught his eye and made his stomach drop. The Starbury crest was front and center. Xave opened the letter and the feeling in his stomach worsened. As he read each line of the letter, he started theorizing what he could do to fix the situation-- if there was anything anyone could do at this point. He didn’t know how much time had passed since Martin wrote the letter.
“Excuse me,” he held up the letter to the clerk at the mail desk, “do you know when this was delivered?” The man almost shook his head, but then his eye caught the Starbury crest. “As a matter of fact, I do. It came in with the morning post from Telgria. Some old woman found them on the road and said it was urgent they deliver her letter.” “Thank you.” Xave left in a rush, reminding himself to thank Dari when he saw her next. It probably took her only a few hours to catch up with the mail delivery. As Xave neared the bakery he hesitated outside the front door. He glanced once more at Cora, watching as she and Malen laughed at Cora’s attempt at icing a cake Malen had placed on the counter. He wanted to give her a few more seconds of this before he shattered her world again.
Cora sighed and put the frosting down on the counter. “I give up. There’s no way, even with my gift, that I will be able to decorate a cake like that. I’m hopeless.” Malen smiled, “I used to tell my mother the same thing.” They both turned toward the door and saw Xave walk in. Cora could tell by the look on his face, something was very wrong. “What is it?” She threw her apron on the counter and dashed over to him. “I’m so sorry, Cora. I don’t know how he found out,” he handed her the letter.
X and C,
There was an incident last night on our campus, and I believe it was meant as a message for our dear Cora. Some of Nikol’s hunters returned and kidnapped Miss Sophia Nevarza. They merely left a card with Nikol’s signature. I’ve already reached out to everyone I know for any information, but I’m afraid the only other news is a similar incident at the School of Building. I promise to write as soon as I have more information for you. I assure you we have people searching for them as I write. I am sorry to be reaching out with such grim news. I do hope you are both doing well, given the circumstances.
Cora dropped the letter and didn’t speak. It was only when Xave pulled her close minutes later that a sob escaped her. She cried into Xave’s chest until her eyes were dry. Her worst fears were coming true. Nikol knew who she was, which meant her blood test must have been registered. Soph and Willem, her two closest friends, were in danger simply because they knew her. Her parents, Dari, anyone associated with Cora had a target on their backs now. Cora took deep breaths to steady herself and began to speak. “We have to go get them,” she looked up at Xave and knew in an instant he agreed. “I was thinking the very same.”
Malen packed food fort their departure while she listened to Xave and Cora talk. Though the mother in her wanted to implore them not to go, she knew better. The gifts they possessed put them in the impossible situation of being the two people most wanted by Nikol, and also the best chance anyone had at escaping him. She sat the sack of food down on the table and joined Xave and Cora.
“If we could just find one of Nikol’s men we could follow them,” Cora closed her eyes, wracking her brain for any possible solution. “Have you considered being caught?” Both Xave and Cora looked at Malen as if she were crazy. “Not caught per say, but…lead him to believe he can catch you.” “I don’t understand.” Cora implored her brain to slow down. “If you can get word that two Time Benders were spotted on the road back to Telgria, then you can intercept Nikol’s hunters and follow them back to where they’re keeping your friends.” Xave nodded slowly, “That’s perfect. I know exactly where we can go.” He got up and rummaged through the same cabinet from which Malen produced her birth announcement.
As quickly as he left, he sat down and unrolled a map of the Caslyan Empire. He traced his finger along the main road connecting Telgria and Arvendry. Closer to Telgria, the road split into two. If one continued south they reached Arvendry. If they took the other path, it led them through dense forested region that eventually opened into Hulsgard in the west. “We’ll wait for them here,” he pointed at the path leading into the forest. “Once we get closer to Telgria we’ll make sure anyone traveling hears about the two Time Benders traveling from Arvendry.” Cora nodded hastily. “When do we leave?” Malen grasped both Xave and Cora’s hand
s in hers, “I expect to see you both again very soon.” She handed the bag to Cora, and Xave led them out the door and down the unfamiliar streets of Arvendry.
Soph craned her neck to listen for any sound coming from outside their cell. When she was certain they were alone, she gave one end of the hair pin to Willem and began instructing him. “I need you to hold this straight, like so,” she demonstrated with her half of the pin, “then I think I can get it.” She scooted closer to Willem so that he could hold the pin in place and toggled hers until she heard a click. Each time the pin scraped against the metal of the lock they both tensed. Working faster, they easily unlocked the remaining restraints. Soph threw her arms around Willem’s neck and hugged him fiercely. “I wasn’t sure it would work,” she admitted sheepishly. They were both charged with adrenaline and began moving toward the door to their cell.
When they were sure no one was close, Soph got to work on the lock. She held her breath, praying the sound of her pins wouldn’t alert anyone, and had to swallow a shout of victory when she heard the final lock click. Pulling her hands back behind the bars, she let Willem open the door slowly. They paused. “Should we wait?” She glanced back at Willem who shook his head. “There’s nothing good waiting for us out there, but we may as well find out what it is.” They began to exit slowly; fully aware they had no plan and no hope of escape if they encountered anyone.
Cora and Xave scarcely spoke as they left Arvendry. It felt to Xave as if the wind was pushing them to move faster. Though he had years of practice, he found he had to pay extra attention to his path. Each time they came across a group of travelers or a small town, they made a point to ask if anyone had seen the Time Benders. “I hear they put on a show,” Cora exclaimed as a group of vendors listened eagerly near some wagons that had pulled off the main roads. “Do you think it’s true?” One of the young children playing nearby interrupted. Most children had never seen a Time Bender in recent years. “That’s what we keep hearing,” she shrugged. Within hours they arrived at their destination and waited, hidden amongst some of the trees.
After what felt like an eternity to Cora, Xave grabbed her arm and pointed in the direction of the road leading to Telgria. As they suspected, two individuals who fit the description of Nikol’s hunters appeared. Cora and Xave crept closer so they could hear their conversation. “All I know is we better find them,” a woman with red hair rasped. “He gets reckless when he’s impatient,” the man to her right answered, his voice equally as menacing. “You better not let him hear you say that or you’ll end up in a cell next to those kids.” It couldn’t have worked out better, which was all Cora needed for a seed of doubt to take root.
Expertly, Cora and Xave followed them undetected. Instead of entering the city, the hunters headed north, purposely steering clear of the Telgrian wall. They continued past the city, north into the same foothills Cora visited with Willem so many months prior. Her heart ached as she remembered that day and thought about what had happened to her friend. Cora and Xave watched as Nikol’s hunters entered an opening to what they assumed was a cave. Cora stepped to follow, but Xave held her back. “Let’s watch for a while longer to see how much activity there is.” Though it pained Cora to think of her friends trapped when she was so close, she agreed it was for the best.
They stayed hidden in plain sight, waiting for the right time to enter. Cora was fidgeting with anything she could get her hands on. Xave took notice—it was impossible not to—and put an arm around her. “I promise we’ll find them, Cora.” She leaned into him and tried to feel as confident as he sounded. Eventually, they saw Nikol’s hunters exit and Xave whispered, “I don’t think anyone else is coming or going. We need to freeze time and enter the cave. Since we don’t know how expansive it is, we’ll have to keep an eye out for anything.” Cora felt the familiar buzz of the magic in her blood as she entered the cave, her face hard with determination.
Soph let Willem lead when they exited the cell. “I think we’re in a cave,” Willem gestured at the walls around them. They were rock and cool to the touch. They were not well-lit which added to the danger; it was difficult to decipher which direction to go and what lay around each corner. Soph felt like they were moving at a snail’s pace and dug her nails into her palms to keep herself from fleeing. She shuffled behind Willem, keeping her gaze down at her feet, which is why she didn’t notice he had stopped as she walked right into his broad shoulders. “What is it?” She had goosebumps on her arms. “I think someone is coming this way.” They both stopped breathing, but she could hear Willems’ heart beating and the sound echoed in her ears.
Despair filled her when she realized Willem was right. The noises grew louder and Willem sheltered Soph behind him. She laced her fingers through his and squeezed with all her might. They stood near the wall and awaited their fate. The seconds passed like hours, and Soph held a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming. Willem stood stone still. He wanted to keep both himself and Soph calm, but each passing second filled him with dread. When the footsteps were nearly on top of them, Willem took a step away and stared disbelievingly at what he saw. Cora and a tall man stood blocking their path to safety.
Cora almost doubled over in joy when she saw Willem and Soph were unharmed. She embraced them both as Xave joined her. “We don’t have time to waste,” he urged them to keep moving. “Cora, what is happening?” Willem tugged at her arm, but Cora shook her head. “I’ll tell you everything once we’re safe, I promise.” The group followed Cora and Xave down the dark hall. They crawled through a narrow space toward the small opening at the front of the cave where Xave and Cora had entered. They would be free to move Willem and Soph once they were in the opening. Xave was leading and Cora took the last space in line. Willem winced as his arm bore some of his weight, but he kept pace. Once Cora stood she hesitated, “Did that feel too easy?” Xave narrowed his eyes. She’d said exactly what he had been thinking.
Before he was able to analyze their surroundings, Cora screamed and Soph’s eyes widened. The man who broke into Starbury appeared from behind the group and held Cora by the arms, his palm searing through her skin. He had been following them the entire time undetected, waiting until Cora had reached the exit to make his move. “This was easier than I expected,” his breath brushed Cora’s cheek and she fought the urge to kick at him.
Immediately, Xave froze time and ran to Cora. “Get them out,” she said through clinched teeth and began to free herself from the man’s grasp. She fell to her knees, but was too afraid to examine the damage to her arm. “Please, I’ll be right behind you.” Her eyes were full with tears, but none escaped. She reached inward for her magic once more and froze everyone so Xave could work. Expertly, he moved Willem and Soph far enough out of the cave that they would be a good distance from anyone that followed. He went back for Cora, but met her on the path. She almost collided with him and felt relief wash over her when they both arrived to her friends. “We need to move now. Are you okay to take her?” Xave motioned toward Soph and Cora nodded, “I think it’s just superficial. He didn’t get through the muscle or bone.” Cora leapt into action again.
Argyn shot lightning at the wall in the opening to the caverns. He should have anticipated the other Time Bender would be there and make a move. It would have been easier to take one of them alone, as he had suggested. Truthfully, he didn’t expect them to arrive as quickly as they did. Nikol had expected it, though, and refused to send any additional help to contain the Time Benders and prisoners. Argyn looked out at the path leading toward Telgria and didn’t see anyone coming or going. He would never openly doubt Nikol’s plan, but lately he felt the man was acting rashly; it would be easy to make simple mistakes, no matter how calculated the plan was.
Cora and Xave finally stopped at the Telgrian wall, though they truthfully couldn’t say if they’d made it to safety. Soph and
Willem stood gawking at their friend as they stumbled to stand on their own. Willem was the first to speak. “Cora, you’re--” “Amazing!” Soph grabbed her friend’s hands as she interrupted Willem. “You’re a Time Bender. Oh, I knew your gift would be impressive, but this is just...wow.” Cora allowed herself to almost smile, even though her adrenaline was still rushing and she wasn’t sure if her legs would stop shaking. The group stood in silence for a few seconds and Cora found herself looking toward Xave. “Is everyone okay?” he addressed Soph and Willem for the first time. Soph ran to Xave and embraced him, too.
“Thank you,” she stood back and raised one eyebrow at Cora, “I guess this explains all the late nights at the library.” Cora willed her cheeks to stay a normal color, but she could feel them warming. “Xave’s been training me,” she said, more to Willem than anyone else. Her old friend stepped forward and held out his hand to Xave. “Thank you. You didn’t have to risk yourself to save us.” “Cora’s safety depended on it.” Xave’s voice masked a hint of annoyance, but Cora knew him well enough now that she noticed. “I just need to speak to her for a moment,” he gestured at Cora and they walked away, huddled together.
“What do we do now? He could be anywhere. He could be sending someone after us right now, he could be going after my parents…” Cora’s voice started to tremble as she trailed off. Xave pulled her close and held her until her shaking slowed. “I think it may be best for you to remain hidden until we know what Nikol’s intentions are, but I understand if there are things that keep you in Telgria.” Xave looked at Willem and Soph who sat at the base of the wall in conversation, and quickly created a distance between himself and Cora. It was as if he flipped a switch again and she couldn’t read him.